As we start the New Year, can we pray for peace? When we talk about praying for the peace of Jerusalem. The Prophets are talking about how the city is based in a valley surrounded by mountains, which was a natural way of protection. Today we know that since Jesus is Lord. He presence surrounds us as like the picture painted by the prophets.This picture if you will can be approached this way as well. We have the Authority of the Name of Jesus, we are seated in Christ, we can put on His armor, and His glory is our rearguard. He is always with us and nothing can separate us from His love.
Having a understanding that since Jesus Christ is Lord and God. How He brings us to place of becoming like Him.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
A occupy prayer movement.
Guys Gwen Davis mentioned this to me. As we talked about prayer concerns. MY issue is odd in that I have been focusing on American immigration as well as Asia 10/40 window. Knowing that has with Hitler in WW2 we know what Islam is doing.
The Goals are too remind one another to pray, for God to raise up leaders who will speak out against issues that affect us as a nation. Waking us up to the prayer challenges our day not repeating the daily news. For a consent move of the Holy Spirit, for us too developing relationships. Along with ones making decisions for our Lord to come into a meaningful discipleship experience.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
In praying about the new year. Several things concern me the issue of chaos and extremism. Both on weather, natural and political issues. How do we handle this year. Do what we are trained to do. Get out of debt as much as possible. Respect one another honor one another. Do not take on anything you can not handle, have a method in dealing with stress. Expect Gods favor in the midst of this, as well as His provision. Do not let end time theories create fear or complacency. As always the Kingdom of God is now and He is always with us. Do His stuff.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Why is that we thing changing the brand name will change the product. I am concerned about when problem Churches do not face the issues at hand. Not following a biblical pattern for change. That all the name change will do is draw people into the Church that are marginal and cannot be dependent upon rather than establishing a consent move of the Holy Spirit. With the same issues repeating itself again and again.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Lets look at the basics what are we seeking? We are to seek first the Kingdom of God, according to the gospels yet we see how it is demonstrated through signs and wanders. But in reality His kingdom is not in signs and wanders He does them yes, but so can others. The contrast is, His kingdom is based in righteousness, peace and joy given to us by the Holy Spirit since Jesus is Lord of our-lives. Please Please note His Kingdom is not based on national/political world views, we need to obey the laws of the land Giving respect to the ones in authority without comprising our Faith.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Writing stinks, I seem to be saying the same thing over and over again. One of several reasons I have taken a brake. Do me a favor guys, review the basics if it does not work do not do it ok. We are always in a place of transition between blessings and curses. Do not read into anything that is not there. Yes I am writing again but maybe at a slower rate.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I know that the Rapture of the Church can take place at any time. Yet how are we praying? Are we developing relationships with the Lost. For us as a Church to hunger for the one we Love. As well as, sign and wanders to take place daily. For people to become apart of a meaningful discipleship process. Is the church growing at 2 % per month.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Take a look at 2 chronicles 36:15 One of the saddest commentaries of scripture. Which leads me to ask what are we not praying for as a nation and people for this not to repeat it self. We pray for rain well, but are we praying the right things along with the rain. And are we specificity praying for the drought to end?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
As God is answering prayer for rain which does happen. Are we transitioning to a place of obeying Gods word or is the rain just a stop over not solving the problem of the drought. If I was praying specifically for rain I would ask for a long term solution rather than praying for rain now. Again the long term solution for this is the obedience of our heart as that comes into place nature will take care of itself.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
From Faith News Network
The Church of God was born with the formation of the Christian Union on August 19, 1886. In a simple meeting house in Monroe County, Tennessee, R. G. Spurling called for Christians to take the New Testament as our “only rule of faith and practice” and to sit “together as the Church of God.” Eight people responded to his invitation, and under the leadership of his father, Richard Spurling, they established a new congregation they named Christian Union. Building on their pioneer ministry, the Church of God now includes almost seven million members ministering in 181 counties and territories around the world.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Living in Prophetic times. As one who has been taught to trust God for His protection against tragedies. earthquakes, storms natural event not caused buy God. Yet used by satan to kill still and destroy I have learned a few things working in Joplin Mo after the tornado,
Always have a back up meeting place for family members to meet, communication systems will be down so unable to reach love ones. Have a alternative back up plan for all important papers insurance forms birth certificates, house and car titles. Banks could be destroyed as well so have a place picked off site out of the city trusted friend or family member. Have a portable none battery radio and flash light. Give time for the civil defence plan to work trust authorities. Have a back up system for cash and food for about three days until relief supplies come in. Give time for assistants to develop If wanting to come to help,find local talk radio stations and city web sites. As the Internet comes back social networking sites help has well. Have a way to support your local Church. Never blame God but Trust in Him for His peace and provision look for the stillness of His voice to speak through His word.
Why I cannot pray for rain, God uses drought to reminded us of how we do not obey the Word of God and the curses a dis obeying hart brings. Drought works in conjunction with How we look into our Fathers Word to be come like Christ. When we pray for rain God does answer our prayer. But even with that answer we do not let Him deal with the condition of our heart, not stopping the cycle for the drought so the drought repeats it self and becomes worse every season. Along with the drought He also uses politics to show us how we can do nothing with out Him. So I look at Jeremiah 29:11 on, as a place of understanding how God provides as He prepares Judgement as well while in Judgement . Even though according to John 3:17:18 he does not have to Judge any more. Yet it is adding to my definition of "looking up" in Matthew 24. This how God desires for us to "Look" at signs and wanders in order to get our attention as well as to speak to you and me.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I am laying a foundation that the Lord uses opposites in order to protect the Church just like the Lord used Babylon to protect Israel. If Jeremiah 29::11 is Gods heart speaking of the fullness life that we have in Christ. Then it make since that at times opposites are used prophetically in order to protect the body of Christ. As in various times as with history of Israel. Again this was a seasonal decision do to the Judgement upon Israel because of her disobedience with our heavenly Fathers word. Due to the season we are in I have been wandering if the Lord had not been warning us of this for many years but we have not seen it and not prepared for it. God will always poor out His Spirit. He will always provided for all our needs in Christ Jesus. We do have the strength and provision to fulfill the great commission. Nothing will never separate us from the Love of Christ. We will walk in His peace.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What if God is saying for us as a nation (United States) to form a socialism, progressive types of government for a season. The basics of this are already in place. Are we willing to consider it. Or is our pride going to stop us from hearing what is Thus says the Lord. Do not stone me for this, but Israel did not want to go to Babylon ether.
As we move heavily into the United Stated political season my concern is that we are not trusting in God to lead us as individuals to make right choices for our nation. It will come down to the 2.5% that it takes to win the election then depending on who wins we will blame each other. Rather than the process being a celebration of the American election system.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The sky is falling? Is it. People laugh at Christians when out of compassion for our Lord date setting happens in regards to His coming. But now none Christian groups are doing the same thing reading cultural history and saying the end is near. When will will wake up and realize date setting by all faiths is just a marketing system for trying to make money. Not wanting to understand the truths that all cultures have to offer.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
What is biblical repentance? It is applying Gods word to our hearts so that we can be Christ like. This is process starts by reading our Father's word and then asking questions like who, what, when, where, and why. Then ask can I apply the truths to my life today. As we do this we know longer want to to the things that tells that are we are not to do and what does not get us into heaven. More importantly we get to do things that we have never done before.
Friday, July 15, 2011
My prayer time is the hardest thing to deal with manly due to my work hours. Which is over nights central standard time USA. The problem is since we have a relationship with a living God. The contrast of having a set time with Him as a discipline, rather than the spontaneous praying, at times can be challenging. What I do is both, I use a set prayer time as well as talking to Him about everything. In addition, I journal recording where I stop in my reading program and if I mess a day I pick up where I left off.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
How do we see Him face to face? A Tough question, its all in our world view, coming to know the Lord from the Methodist faith to a Pentecostal faith I understood what not to do rather than we are to become. As I talked to God as I would anyone else, I asked for Him to bring me to a place that Is to be like Christ. Along with all my experiences good bad or indifferent laying them at the foot of the Cross, not point the finger at someone else but letting Him speak through His word honoring who He is in me. For what He has given to us is Holy we do not want to betray that what He has given.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
As we move in to this drought can we please ask ourselves what we are not hearing from the Lord. Droughts affect us greater than any other natural event. And in long term affects everything that we do. Tornadoes damage can be replaced as with other storm damage but a drought is long term. From a biblical world view droughts are the first of many events that come when we do not hear and obey God voice. These events are not for none Christians but for Christians to understand the need for applying Gods Word to there lives. New Testament thought is that the the land will grown until the Church is with its proper place. That will only take place when we meet Him face to face and see Him as He is in all of His fullness.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Be careful how we compare experiences to other religions experiences, They maybe coping us rather than us coping them. Do not look for experiences but seek first the kingdom of god and all these things will be added too you. Always being willing to question but just be careful. The classic example is out the Hellenistic Jews compared the what the Apostles experienced to Dionysus worship and mocked them.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
One of the many things I dislike about some of the prophetic movements statements. Is how the word of God is used wanting blessing on Gods people. Rather than leading us to Obey Gods word. The very word that they say they speak. Then when what they say does not come too pass the blame the hearer rather than the one giving the prophetic word. For example Jeremiah speaks of Babylon being a place of protection while others challenged him about Egypt. Or they come out with some other date and say that the first date was wrong.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I am thankful that we do not have to be like Elijah and call down fire from heaven. In fact our Father does not have to defended Himself at all. My point is this be careful as to how we challenge none believers. God does do signs and wanders we do not do them for Him. He does them so that He can receive glory for Himself and Him alone. Always pray for the sick, always pray for people for there needs are met .If you can meet the need then do it.
The book of Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, deals more with explaining who Jesus is rather than foretelling events. John the author sees Jesus alive and standing. Not on the cross, not with limited authority. But sees Him for who He is. Then or Lord does for warn of current events that we see happening today in the life of the Church. So Question, where is the Lord challenging you? Is it in the hardness of ones hart or the pointing of the finger at someone are something else. Take a look at the issue of Date setting it is not over with more dates are coming, again it will not happen. " I do not even consider my self a prophet" and I can say this as a fact of Christian truth. Secondly, this means we may not be asking the right question, but one question is the hardest. Am I becoming apart of a meaningful discipleship experience or am I ignoring the issue by pointing the finger at Date setters and say because of them I am not becoming active in the local Church.
Monday, May 23, 2011
I write this on May 19, 2011, life goes on does it not. I hope we had a good time parting about May 21, 2011.
Can we learn from this and do not trust any date setting. Now my problem is communicating the need of changing our hearts towards a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Does false prophets change the message of the Good news of Jesus Christ. No, wait for 2015 and or 2020. More dates will come in that time frame creating a major change in Christian thinking going to a pre United States Civil war type of world view. This issue is are we becoming apart of a meaningful discipleship experience. If looking for a home church try the Church of God Clv Tn. If in Tulsa OK visit Freedom Life Church of God or other Church of God Churches within our city.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Jeremiah and other Old Testament Prophets calls us to renew our commitment too our Father's word. Set ourselves apart from the pagan influences around us. This does not mean we do not obey the laws of the Land, we do obey them and we do this as long as they laws do not cause us to comprise our Faith. But we have to use wisdom and work within the laws the we live under to developing relationships expanding the Kingdom of God. Praying for the well being and blessing of thous in authority over us. Seeking Gods favor and blessings for the country that we live in. We may not like where we are, but as Jeremiah He tried to warn and prepare Israel for the next cycle of Judgment due to lack of Israel not obeying or Father's word. Just as with Israel; the route we take will determine the blessing we will have - where we live. For example are we learning how to make money in the countries we live in are just getting buy.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Understanding Biblical Prophecy.2
Biblical Prophecy is about knowing whom Jesus is as Lord, and how He makes himself known from generation to generation. The basics of this is Trust in the message as well as building relationships. I wish biblical prophecy would be as simple as the "end is near" but is is not. Biblical prophecy reinforces the need for holiness in our personal lives, separating us from sin. Understanding that Jesus is Lord. For He is the authority over everything that is needed at any given time. Yet if it is not happening like it should be our we thinks it should be happening, maybe it should not be happening. Since we are all given faith to deal with life issues or else we would not be dealing with them.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Understanding Biblical Prophecy.
I am sorry, I have not posted for a while I had to set back and re think things through as to goals of this page. I am amazed at the intrest in biblical prophecy, rather than the basics. My frustration is due to the lack of basic teaching we set our self up for dates like May 21as well as the year 2012 the end will not come. We will see prophetic signs in various traditions with people saying that they are right; Trying to justify themselves for marketing and fund raising issues but bottom line. Our Lord will come when He comes not on any date given by so called prophets.
We do not need too forget that these are the last days, we are living them out in our life time as any believer as since the start of the Church. The Kingdom of God is here and is now.
We do not need too forget that these are the last days, we are living them out in our life time as any believer as since the start of the Church. The Kingdom of God is here and is now.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Acts 2; 14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: You Jews and all you residents of Jerusalem, let this be [explained] to you so that you will know and understand; listen closely to what I have to say.15 For these men are not drunk, as you imagine, for it is [only] the third hour (about 9:00 a.m.) of the day;16 But [instead] this is [the beginning of] what was spoken through the prophet Joel:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams.18 Yes, and on My menservants also and on My maidservants in those days I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels and predicting future events pertaining especially to God’s kingdom].19 And I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth beneath, blood and fire and smoking vapor;20 The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the obvious day of the Lord comes--that great and notable and conspicuous and renowned [day].21 And it shall be that whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord [invoking, adoring, and worshiping the Lord--Christ] shall be saved. AMP
Thursday, March 31, 2011
John 3:17-19 amp. For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.18 He who believes in Him [who clings to, trusts in, relies on Him] is not judged [he who trusts in Him never comes up for judgment; for him there is no rejection, no condemnation--he incurs no damnation]; but he who does not believe (cleave to, rely on, trust in Him) is judged already [he has already been convicted and has already received his sentence] because he has not believed in and trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God. [He is condemned for refusing to let his trust rest in Christ’s name.]19 The [basis of the] judgment (indictment, the test by which men are judged, the ground for the sentence) lies in this: the Light has come into the world, and people have loved the darkness rather than and more than the Light, for their works (deeds) were evil.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
When we deal with spiritual issues if they do not reflect on who Jesus is as Lord and take away from who He is as God. Then I would not trust the information given. Also, when we deal with them do not always disagree them but on issues that we can work together on it is ok to do so. Always let the Holy Spirit do His work.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Spiritual dry places are tough, at times I do not wan't to read our Father's word, pray do the spiritual stuff that we should. When I go though this I have to accept the fact that if I would not experiences this if I did not have too. This is where the condition of the heart comes in and a Trust matter that no matter what experiences we face Jesus is always Lord and God. So I keep myself in the word of God and talk to Him as much as I can about the issues and turn them over to Him one by one.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
When I look at biblical prophecy being fulfilled. It is easy to point the finger to at someone else.Rather than asking what is the Lord saying to me personally. What is standing out is; God will make Himself known in the midst of all the world events that are taking place. In addition, we have to ask how is this affecting my financial bottom line. As well as, we weep for the lost are we willing to do something about it or is it just a emotional response. Forgetting that all biblical prophecy reveals who Jesus is as Lord and God.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
For the most part when things go wrong we allot of times want to cry or hit something. We really do not want to Praise the Lord in the mist of extreme change. Job lost need for healing ect. but Biblical Praise says I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. It also says that the report says this but Gods word says this about me. Always,always know that God will always make Himself known and mighty as He always is.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Another part of Christian behavior is helping the poor and the one in need. We cannot save the whole world but we can help people one person at a time. Our Father's word, clearly teaches that if we do not work we do not eat. As well as helping the poor, we must also assist and help the widows. At times in my life I have been apart of mega churches and one thing that, that experience taught me. Was how we have to be focused on the group people we associate with; we can not see the crowed .We must see the individual helping the individual as we can and as God provides.
Friday, February 25, 2011
One of the hardest things a person discovers as a believer is how do we behave as Christians. When we talk about adult issues the word of God clearly talks about how all sexual behavior should be within the marriage bed. In addition, we should not move from one wife to another, yes there is grace but God hates the sin of divorce.
Also all other types of sexual activity is considered sin. This does not mean that we are not sexual beings. Yet we need to understand this issue. God does offer freedom from sin, and the addiction that it brings. But we should not replace one addiction to another.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
One of the things I do is Journal, on a weekly basis, I log what I read and what stands out. As I read the word of God. I ask Him to have the child like faith for the moment so that I will not sin against my Heavenly Father. In addition I write down answers prayer, for the most part I have found that when everything that can go wrong in life and as you know this does happen. I forget how our Father has answered prayer do to the emotional process of how our mind works things out. As I reread what I have written it always reminds me of His grace and power.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
When we talk about questions of faith. It is ok to question the word of God ask the hard questions. What you will find is that the word of God is a revelation of who Jesus is as Lord and God. Yes it includes prophecy but it is not about prophecy, it is about the fact that we may know that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
We are about to get the first major snow storm of the year in Tulsa OK were my wife and I live. What amazes me as we mentally prepare for this event, how easy it becomes for us to panic. Rather than dealing with it as it comes. The same can be true about every issue we face. We can overreact or decide to walk in the peace that God has for us.
As we have seen in the Book of Mark the reality of how Jesus the Christ went about doing good healing all that were sick and oppressed by satan. We should also be aware that we have the privilege due to His grace to talk to God about everything (prayer) We do understand in the book of Revelation of Jesus Christ that; God hears all our prayers. See Revelation of Jesus Christ chapter 8. He does not always answer them the way we think, He does Hear them and will respond to them.. The thing that is hard to deal with is, God uses time as a part of the healing process.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
I have shared many of frustrations that has happened when I first came to the Lord the main point I want you to understand is the importance of developing relationships. Always, do what you have to do to take care of family, if you do not work you do not eat. Do not break the Law in doing so. Talk about you faith within the liberty that you have using wisdom in doing so. In addition, ask permission in talking to other's about the Lord no needed to force yourself.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
When we talk about why I became a Christian. It is because Jesus is Lord and God. What He offers is life to its fullness. We as Christians do not run away from life we take full responsibility for what we do. For we serve a God who offers grace for all that we do. But we do not willing go out and do things that are against the word of God. For example did you know that as a Christian we are in Christ and we are the temple of God. Take a look at John 10, as well as the book of Ephesisans in seeing what God offers and who we are as Christians.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The amazing thing is how that Jesus does as we see in Mark go about doing good and healing ones who are oppressed by satan. This is done by us coming to a place of trusting in Him alone, with the understanding that all the promises of God are for us today. Just as we are held accountable to the promises of God for the blessing that are ours. In the same fasion we are held accountable to the word of God in not obeying the promises as well.
Friday, January 21, 2011
The hardest point is understanding that know matter who we are, God is always with us. We do have a enemy called satan, he will always try and use natural events in our lives. Making them bigger or impossible to deal with. One simple truth of life is if we have to deal with the issue rather job loss, sickness, now is the time we have to deal with it. We also have the faith to deal with it. Or it would not be happening this time.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Since we have asked Jesus Christ into our hearts. The first thing we need to know is each of us has the faith to believe. Its that simple I would start with the book of Mark in the New Testament a group of books that talk about who Jesus is. If you do not have access to the word of God please check out YouVerison and have fun enjoying your new life.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Asking the right questions Evangelism is telling others about Jesus. I start by asking one Question. If you were going to come to a place of sudden death right now, would you have the assurance of Heaven. Heaven ,being in the place where Jesus is for eternity. This is done by asking Him into your heart and making Him Lord of your life.
Friday, January 7, 2011
As I have been praying about the new year several questions come into play and they are open ended but I would like to share them with you. Is the time of prayer and fasting being done out of tradition or being lead by the Spirit? Tradition is not a bad thing but are we doing this because its a fad, fear or faith.
Secondly, are we depending upon Angels to do the work of His Spirit or depending upon His Spirit to do the work of Angels.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
One of the simplest truths of scripture is that God see's us as if we have never sinned. Yet as I was growing in my relationship with the my Lord. I started hearing about the word Rapture and the taking away of the Saints. Mostly reading the book of 1 Thess. Also my Pastor was teaching on this at the time as well, by the way the word Rapture is a biblical concept from the Latin Vulgate yes the word is not found in most English translations. But as the summer of 1976 moved on many times I thought the Rapture had taken place. At one point I even called Christians that I knew and I could not find them, which created even a larger fear but as we know the Rapture has not taken place. As I studied the word of God I found out that this fear can be healthy bringing us to a place of holiness, and teaching us who we are in Christ.
What are we crying for-fitted for?
What are we crying for – fitted for?
Last year I reread Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” sermon. As one who teaches that signs and wanders are for today. I am reminded that there is no limit to the power of God in casting the wicked man into hell at any moment.
In addition; I am asking myself the question what I am crying for. Since “God has laid himself under no obligation, by any promise to keep any natural man out of hell one moment”. We know Hell is hot and a place of torment. Yet are we praying for the Holy Spirit to convict us. Giving us understanding that there is more to the power of God than the fluff we see.
Romans 9:22 “what if God, Will to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction?”
As watchmen, when have we seen the need of rescuing people out of Hell?
Monday, January 3, 2011
Today has been kind of rough I have been asked a tough question on sickness. The core of the issues is friends saying to this friend that the reason why this happened is because of personal sin. I agree that sickness is do to sin but never due to personal sin unless one abuses his own body. To much parting and not taking care of oneself. But sickness does happen on the just and the unjust alike. Another part is that Satan always destroys and you never praise God for what Satan does. You do everything you can for your healing. Let God heal never take for granted that He does not heal or who He uses in the healing process.
What will not change in 2011. This will be a season of contrast. Signs and Wonder's will follow the believer. If not developing relationships with family friends, coworkers souls will not get saved. If we do not hear, obey God; the appearance of God not answering prayer not change. Unless we understood repentance God will not see our accept our sacrifice of prayers. As this season takes hold, we will want to pray more rather than trusting in God using prayer as a place of panic and denial, instead of faith. We know God always hears our prayers. He will fulfill his word. As one Pastor said wanting the Sons of Eli to minister to us rather than hearing the voice of God.
At the age of 12, I became apart of the Assemblies of God in Madisonville Ky. My pastor at the time was teaching on that faith is Now From Heb 11:1. As I tried to apply Gods word to my life instead of applying or Father's word to Godly character. I became bold and brash, some may think that I still am. I came knowing the don't s of the Church rather than the dues. Some times I wander if doing nothing is worse than doing something. For example messing out on prom and other rights of passage by choice thinking that it was the Godly thing to do. Yet operating in the Gifts of the Spirit; asking people if they had received the Baptism with the Holy Spirit willing to give a prophecy at any time.Yet not listening to others which is still a bad habit to brake over the years. I learned allot about healing, being slain in the spirit but the bottom line is, God honors character as a means of praise more than anything else. Experiences will come and go, will take place as needed. But God always looks at the heart seeing who we reflect, His Son or those who are not like Him.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
As I keep praying about the New Year several issues keep coming to mind. I prayed this at the start of 2010. Are we doing this now.
The first is quiet time development, how are we doing? Another is applying our Father’s word to our own heart. See Ps 119:18. Are we looking for a City - are we walking in Baptism with the Holy Spirit, being filled His Spirit on a daily basics. Are we dealing with our personal debit are we paying it off? In addition, are we developing relationships with none Christians? Do we have compassion and skills to reach the lost?
National issues – are we willing as a nation to fight 1000 year war with Islam? I know this is tough but this is the real issue. Are we using our citizenship too address issues that we have compassion for. Praying for the blessing of God for the cities that we live in? Are we praying Ps 133 and Ps 91 for the President and His staff? Our is the frustration we are feeling leading us to want to go in a different direction? FYI, always be careful as too what we wish for.
Ps 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. 7 May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.” 8 For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.”9 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity
Has the Church become what we worship? In forsaking sexual sins, putting away things that are pagan, taking care of the poor and widows.
Jesus is Lord and God always.
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