Sunday, August 29, 2010

The uniqueness of who we are in Christ can be compared to Joshua and commanding the Sun to stand still, along with the victory of David at Mt Perizam or Baal Perizam. This uniqueness causes us to stand out  and to a none Christian causes us to appear to be strange. Since we can apply the all the promises of God to our lives. See Isa 28.21

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The splendor that we see in the world and all that it offers, cannot compare to the presence of Christ in us.

Monday, August 9, 2010

As we begin to pray about the current heat wave. Elijah and the widow with the jars of oil come to mind. With the story ending of how all things were restored to her by the king. So as we pray lets not focus on the need for rain or for the temps to brake, but God providing and bringing restoration in this present time of need.
Allot of times we may not understand change. The things I know in life is Jesus is Lord, He hears our prayers, He dwells with us and demonstrates  His manifest presence to us. Secondly, we are changing into the image and likeness the one we love.  If to God we become God like, if to sin, the sin we love. No limits to the authority we have in Christ as long as it is lawful authority. God is faithful in all things.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Praying for the Praise and Worship team of the local church. Mmm, again praying the right experiences at the right time, for meaningful time in the Word of God that they do not depend upon the talent given but understand that they set the tone for the alter call. And the response the to the Word of God being preached, if theme music is used that the songs picked are lead by the Spirit not just songs for the message. In addition, that the Church becomes one. Not like in High School separating the Band from those who play sports.
In praying for my Pastor, I find that time management and building relationships are keys to Church growth, having that He would have wisdom in dealing with time wasters which are important. As well as, quite time issues discerning the difference between personal time in the word and what is being used for public speaking. Secondly, I pray for meaningful family time understanding that it is ok for him to say no. I also pray for the word of God to convect me personally producing Godly faith. Letting the word of God preached confirm what the Father is speaking to me through His word bring me into  His presence. In addition, I pray for the wright signs and wanders to take place as needed,  understanding not He not just a Pastor but also a Prophet for the Church. That I would no  fear in responding to the alter call, knowing that as I allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life He will also work in other's  pulling the wright gifts of the Father out of me.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Praying for prayer people is very hard to do, allot of times we are involved in other ministries and very active in church life. I start by asking our Father God to bring us in a meaningful relationship with Him with the right experiences at the right time with Him. With a balance of time in the Word and time in prayer. In addition, I pray that we are not letting our Prophetic statements hinder the move of our Father's Spirit. As well as, that we do not focus on just our world view of Church life, but praying for the big picture agreeing with the vision of the Pastor and the local church. I also pray for the older generation, that they be taught how to pray since they if any body they should understand the discipleship process.